Monday, March 6, 2017

Eventful staycation

This staycation all started with a diagnosis of a herniated disc. You know the moment when the doctor is talking and all you hear is the adults from Charlie Brown? Wha, wha, wha wha. I especially didn't want to hear the "You can't run for 4-6 weeks," part! He might of said 6-8, but I'm pretty sure I heard 4-6 weeks. 
So I decided to go buy myself a present...

I have wanted board and batten walls for a while.  Ever since I painted my kitchen white

 With the new saw, I mitered! Yes at 45 degrees! What???

The job was easier than I thought it would be. The hardest and most tedious part was the painting!

So the wall in my kitchen worked out well. I decided to keep the party rolling around the living room. Why not? I have some extra energy to expel because of the no running thing ;(

Again, did I mention it was the painting that was a challenge and tedious?

My gray paint on top looks more beige in the picture. My photography isn't the best. ;)

Finished the wall to the left, phew!
Next, I think a whitewash to the brick surround. :/

Ah fini! ( for now) I'm starting to understand why people start projects and take a long time to finish, Sigh! I'm tired!!

Plus, more Spring pics from around the house...

Attempting to finish indoor projects before the doors are open to outside! I can't wait!! Hopefully I'll be running again soon too!


  1. It all looks amazing, my dear talented friend!! Beautiful spring decor too������


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