Tuesday, September 25, 2012

With soccer practice being cancelled....we decided to jump in the car as a family equipped with ipods and cameras for an evening drive before dinner to enjoy each other and the beautiful place we live. Counting our blessing here's what we found........

Husband, kids and of course the dog came along....

Slight chill in the air too....

"Folks are blessed who make the best of everyday living by their own
philosophy, everyone who needs the sun must find a way and I have found the
only way for me. I don't believe in frettin' and grievin'; Why mess around
with strife' I never was cut out to step and strut out. Give me the simple life."

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree."

Counting my blessings today, enjoying my family and the fall events to come. Fall is like the year's last brilliant smile.....

Bringing the color inside.....

For dinner tonight:
1 Whole Chicken (anywhere from 3 - 6 lbs, but the bigger, the juicier, so keep that in mind)
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh or dried thyme
1 Lemon
Half-stick of butter, softened
Salt and Pepper

Looking forward to the first fire of the season.....Happy Fall everyone!!!

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