Did you ever find that Holy Grail yard sale that packs your SUV full? I mean, seats down, packed to the rim full? The kind of yard sale that is so good, so inexpensive, that you have to turn down good stuff because your car is so full kind of sale? Well, it was found today my friends. We drove away like giggly school girls!
No secret that I love blue and white! Hello $1, seat cushions! ( bad lighting in the photo, but they are crisp white, blue and lovely!)
And hello pretty bowl and pitcher for $2
You can barely buy a good cup of coffee for $2!!
And the score of all scores...
You would not believe what I paid for it!! I can't wait!!
Also, stay tuned to hear how this family will stretch our wings a bit...
These are pictures from my walk around the house realizing how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place. To be surrounded by people that make me happy and that I truly love is amazing.
This is an amazingly good life :)
Hope you all are enjoying that same kind of happiness!

The grape arbor that the hubby built is doing well! Grapes are loving it! And he also supports my flower purchasing :)) He kind of likes it too ;)
Big smile, big sighs HAPPY!
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