Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ready, set, go!!!!

It's approaching that back to school time and it feels like my old track and field days when the gun goes off! The slow moving days of Summer are rapidly coming to an end. All of a sudden there are practices, races, appointments, back to school shopping, orientations, Ahhhh!!!
So what does one do when feeling already overwhelmed when time is ticking?
Build a deck of course! 

So, my family often chuckles when I build another nice, cozy,  relaxing place to sit on our property. They chuckle because the sitting/relaxing thing isn't really MY thing. I try, really I do! And if I sit, it's usually at this table overlooking my garden. The table sits under two maples that provide a nice shady canopy. Also, the trees provide protection from the rain. I know this because I left my phone out on this table during a huge storm, and the phone survived! 

Because this spot is so shady, grass grows sporadically. So of course the spot needed a floating deck! 

So one fine morning while everyone was at work, I jumped in my husband's truck and went to pick up my lumber with the rest of the "boys" at the local lumber yard. 

With some cement pavers, a level, drill, decking screws, and spacers... 

A 10x10ft deck was formed!

 Some rock work was added too.

Turns out to be a great place for dinner in the evening.

It doesn't overlook our pond, but it is a nice place to sit in the back of the house. The project was on my list of things to try this Summer. 

Here are some other pictures of what's happening around here this late August...

I love creeping Jenny!

Gladiolas are ready for cutting.

One of my favorite Summer guests: Bruce

Bruce Wayne that is. He pops in and out. 

My roses that I bought from the grocery store in the middle of the winter.

So in this crazy/busy month I will be taking moments to enjoy decks, flowers, frogs and taking a moment to sit and relax. I think... 
I'll try :)

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