Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Goodbye and Hello

We had an amazing summer here in Vermont. Plenty of sun, not too much heat and not too much rain. Just beautiful. My gardens were bountiful with veggies and flowers.

 Until last week. Last week we had a hard frost. It was as if mother nature just closed the stage curtain and said, "that's it, the summer is over." 

No, not really of course, because we have had some beautiful warm days since then. 
However, I couldn't save all of my flowers and veggies from the gardens. I stood outside that evening and just looked around. I harvested what I could. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend that you know you won't see for a while. 
Next day, I accepted that it was Autumn and it was time to appreciate it's beauty. A trip to one of my favorite nurseries was a start.

Which may explain may excessive pumpkin and mum purchases? 


Here's to welcoming a new friend and here's to all the beauty of autumn. 

Here's to goodbyes and hellos. Here's to apple picking, warm fires and leaves crunching under your feet! 

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