Thursday, March 21, 2013

After work I went to the gym and on the way home it occurred to me that I haven't posted in a while. I think it's a combination of being busy and that winter just doesn't seem to want to end. More snow means snow pictures? Nope... done with that!  Anyway, on my way home it also dawned on me that I spend a majority of my time with boys! The majority of my classroom is boys, I live with three boys (My husband and two sons that is) and I grew up with three brothers. Most of my childhood memories actually include Stretch Armstrong, BMX bikes, and making obstacle courses in the back yard more than Barbies. In fact, when I went away to college, I was walking to class one day and I was shocked to see my roommate wearing one of my sweaters! What was she doing? This was a strange phenomenon. Huh, yea most of my life surrounded by boys!
So, after leaving the gym ( specifically the weight room filled with men) I decided to indulge in two of my favorite things! Girl things....yes girl things...burlap and flowers.

Now the boys in my life can't quite understand my obsession with either one! They can't understand why I keep buying more burlap and they most certainly can't understand it's use. Flowers? Well, in my opinion you can never have enough. Which is why all my savings tends to go towards perennials  and plants of course.

They see "uncomfortable" fabric and I see style. Even one of my favorite male colleagues says, "What? Burlap? How do you fold that up and tuck it under your head to get comfortable on the couch?" My response: "Ah, its not really about the comfort, it's about just plain looking pretty, kind of like stilettos, they are certainly not made for comfort!"

Personally, I am more comfortable buying burlap than ANY heels for that matter. My house seems to have become burlap and I vs. the boys. Even as an adult I tend to lean towards more "Tom boy" activities and interests, but when it comes to my home, I am all girl! Which means burlap and flowers win every time!

I have to say, I kind of wish my college roommate lived closer, the clothes sharing thing wasn't a bad deal!
In the meantime, in my life surrounded by boys... we will just have to live in harmony :) 

And that is perfectly fine by me! Always grateful...sigh...

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