In the midst of my tough days, I thought it would be a fantastic idea to rip apart my kitchen and paint for several hours! I have toyed with the idea of painting my cabinets for so long but wasn't willing to take the risk until now!
Hello dated orangey kitchen. Or should I say, Bye bye bye.
I'm so over you!! My granite counter tops are being over shadowed by 90's oak! Gasp!
Who cares. I was off and running :)
( vegetable cans to prop up the cabinet doors. Very professional!)
With a lot of primer, patience, maybe some tears, alone time, and basement space it was about to happen! I think it was a perfect distraction from being sad. Luckily, I was also gifted a snow day so I was able to get a lot done!
And here are the results!!
( A night time photo)
And, Voila!
Well almost.
You can see all the way in the right hand corner that I am not completely finished. I am so close! This weekend it should be all done and I will then wait for my new fridge!
This transformation was exactly what I needed to brighten my mood along with some other cheery accents...
Oh boy, when the kitchen is done...
There has to be another project on the horizon. Hmmmm...
I may have an idea :)